Monday, May 11, 2009

ghettoGEEK ThrowBack!

...and now to our very FIRST Blog Post...

What Up, What Up....

You have just been invaded by the "ShittyCityCommittee"; a.k.a. ghettoGEEKS! Our sole duty and obligation is to bring nothin' but that REALNESS....raw and unadulterated! We are here to spit on topics from poltics, economics, race, sexuality, gender, culture, class, war, drugs, lies, power, religion, streets, incarceration, fear, Hip-Hop, and all other types of shit that we are pertinent to the edification of people who share a keen interest in TRUTH and DIALOGUE. Let's grow up....and face facts....and stop bullshittin' ourselves and everyone around us!

With that said, I gotta couple questions....

Why in the hell is it all of sudden popular to hate on George W. Bush.? It seems you can't turn on a televsion or a radio of these days without some pundit discussing the failed policies of the Bush administration... These contemporary critiques might be just and credible, but guess what....YOU'RE FIVE YEARS LATE, MOTHERFUCKERS! When it was pertinent for those in power (and yes, the media have substantial power, too) to stop Bush and Cheney [and whoever else is apart of their clandestine regime] they did nothing! Any sane person knew five years ago, that this invasion in Iraq was built on some colonialization-type bullshit! This war was pre-meditated...and all you had to do was ask somebody in a ghetto in Texas about it...and they would have told you that George Bush wasn't about shit as a governor....except gaining power for wealthy whites...and keeping the power to themselves. ...which is the same formula he used for the Nation.

So, I don't want to hear anything negative about George Bush now from any media personalities. Y'all muhphukaz are weak! Now, that the man is on his way out of power, y'all decide that it's the proper time to uncover the corrupt activity, and write a bunch of books on how corrupt the Bush administration was? Where were all these books, articles, and opinions when the lives of young American military personnel were dying on account of these blatant lies? Why wasn't Donald Trump talkin' about how big of an idiot Bush was when he stood on the airline carrier with the "Mission Accomplished" sign at this back? Where were all these brave critics then? Huh? I'll tell you where....somewhere gettin' paid from these corrupt Bush policies. Or they were somewhere with their mouths closed because they were too afraid to lose their careers and shit. Simple.

When Colin Powell left the administration, why weren't all the brilliant political guys asking questions as to why this man decided to distance himself from this garbage? My recollection of the events is that the media framed him as a "softie;" someone who was essentially not par for the course. He was weak. Undedicated. Nobody, including Powell himself, said unequivocally, that this War in Iraq is about Money and Power for the Rich. Present-day colonalism. The game don't change, people! In the last eight years, America's actions on the world's stage have been about acquiring more money and more power. Simple. All this bullshit that the American people have been fed was for the sole purpose of getting the masses behind their fradulent campaign. Simple.

....gotta bail now....tryin' to figure out how to get some food in my stomach....but don't fret....I'll be okay....George Bush recently said that he "has faith in the American people." He continued to say that because we're so ingenious, that we'll figure out a way to make it through this recession...and he has total faith in our ability to overcome these tough times. Man, just knowing George has faith in my ability to survive this shit makes me warm and fuzzy inside. This is where I find my solace in these "$4.00/gallon gas" times I'm living in. Thanks, George!

...I guess you can tell Phil Gramm to suck my dick! ...I'm no whiner! You better ask George!


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