Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nigga, Please....



PB11241989 said...

What i personally feel about the "nigger joke" is that it should be ok to say but not in a bad way. I mean it is true that black people call them self "niggas" all the time, still get offended that if a white person does. even some black people call white people "niggas" it has different meanings to the word. but what i personally feel is that if you can dish out all the stuff you say then you can take the other stuff people say no matter how you may seem to to react on it. I mean i am not saying i am right about anything i am just saying that you shouldn't have to look over your shoulder if you want to say words. Its freedom of speech its in our first amendment. I feel that this is just a joke just like how black people make fun of white people.. but all artie (the comedian) is doing is trying to prove a point that I have stated above.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Ok, I can't lie...the joke was funny. I mean it's not something to get offended over, unlike the dude from Seinfeld, but at the same time I do have to wonder is it ok? The word "nigger," "nigga," or "nigg"...however you want to say it, is something that is going to ALWAYS be controversial. I want to say we as people, especially black people, should let it go, but if a white person just came at me saying it I wouldn't take it in stride because its not normal. IDK...jokingly, ha ha whatever, I MIGHT not trip, but on the streets? Yeah...I wouldn't suggest the comic or any other non-black person blurting the N-word out. That's just Akaycia sayin let's stick to what we're used to.