Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama and Chimp Cartoon


Based on all information I've heard thus far, I believe ALL Americans who believe we've reached a place and space beyond the "arcane-racist America" of our past need to take this moment as a REALITY CHECK.

We, as a country, do not agree on things racial...because we has country have never established TRUE dialogue on things racial. As a communications professor, I have brought black and white students together to discuss race with honesty and veracity. And everytime I've done so, the room is overtly uncomfortable until we can reach a point where the discussion flows a bit more freely. But, that takes a LONG time, it takes patience, it takes courage, and multitude of other characteristics that we, as a people, rarely exercise. (Simply due to lack of practice.)

To all my white friends out there, you can not DISREGARD a group of people's feelings. It is a direct and immediate insult to do so. Any marriage/conflict counselor will tell you this. Without sincere acknowledgment of people's feelings, you will never be able to have a constructive conversation about race.

To all my black friends out there, most of us do not have a problem discussing race due to a lack of guilt. Historically and currently, we have been the group with the least amount of power in the inter-racial exchange between whites and blacks. One of the things we must do is pay more attention to the covert political, economic, and cultural forces that are at play which limit our power.

I'll be in recess until the next racial incident...

Which, by the way, there was an earlier incident in the wonderful City of New York that got a bit less exposure. Check it out below:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a professor at an institution in the South and one of my White colleagues wanted my opinion on the "Obama and Chimp Cartoon". She was planning on making it a "teaching moment" in her class. She asked me what I thought about the argument that it is just satire. I simply asked her, if I created a picture/cartoon of a lynched White man hanging from a tree and the words IRONY in big bold letters at the top of the picture, would that be considered satirical? She simply told me that she had to get back to class and scampered away. "...and the devil shall flee." came to my mind instantly.