Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This post is written with no adherence to organization. It is more a collection of thoughts. It is random. But, it is here for you anyway.

This particular post is immediately inspired by a recent FaceBook discussion generated when I posted a video posting of Reverend Wiley Drake discussing why he is praying for the death of President Barack Obama. When I posted this video, I was under the assumption, if any subsequent conversation took place, it would be focused on the current social, racial, cultural climate in America. We must all admit, these are some interesting times. Economists are reporting that the day the "US Dollar" led the world is over. Countries around the world are having to realign and repostion themselves in the new world order. These global economists then make the logical argument that awareness to new social, political, and cultural relationships will be necessary as the economic situation evolves and changes. Simultaneously, America has its 1st Black President; and as a result, it has to navigate through new cultural, racial, and social issues domestically. Most Americans, and other global citizens, know the American track record on these issues isn't the best, hence, the "Pastors of Imprecatory Prayer."

I was made familiar with Pastor Steven Andersen's prayers for President Obama's death a few weeks ago, and now I am of learning of Rev. Wiley Drake and his prayers for the death of the President. I am in awe at the audacity of these preachers, "Men of God," using their pulpits to pray for the President's death. (Well, honestly, I'm not too surprised; but you get my point.) Throughout the interview I posted on my FaceBook page, Rev. Wiley Drake suggests that imprecatory prayers (prayers for a person's demise) are all throughout the scriptures. He never gives us a scripture, though. A pro-Bush placard, with the scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14, is shown in one of the visuals that are being shown as he is speaking. When I went to reference this scripture, it, like many others, COULD POSSIBLY be used to support his theory of imprecatory prayer; but is DEFINITELY NOT specific about the characteristics of the leader in question.

In short, Rev. Wiley Drake is doing nothing innovative or new. He is doing other religious leaders are doing. He is using his social position (and his personal perspective) to influence his congregation and other like-minded individuals. He should probably be commended for going a step further than most other churches, who have a tradition of being insular, and actually attempting to affect social change in the world. (I actually wish more churches in the African-American community would take bold, unpopular action when African-American interests are being threatened.) And though I disagree with Rev. Wiley's position, if given the chance to speak with him, I would offer him a suggestion to sharpen his message rhetorically; for the sake of clarity. My suggestion to the Rev. would be that "wicked" is too broad/vague a word to describe the President. He needs to choose a more simple/clear explanation for his opposition. ---something that would be easy for his constituents to rally around. ---something as "American as apple pie."

This post is written with no adherence to organization. It is more a collection of thoughts. It is random. But, it is here for you anyway.

The subsequent FaceBook conversation did not address these issues, but instead, took a decidely "energetic" conversation on the essence, purpose, utility, value of religion. Due to the nature of the discussion, and the participants who were involved, I have decided to write on the topic. Because Religion and Spirituality are issues just as central to ghettoLIFE as pre-marital sex, high school drop-out rates, hard-core drug use, spread of sexually transmitted diseases, high unemployment rates, teenage pregnancy, gun violence, and the like; but not typically addressed in the context of ghettoLIFE, is yet another reason I wanted to address this issue. In fact, religion and spirituality are MORE central to ghettoLIFE than the more widely discussed factors simply because a strong spiritual foundation has a huge impact on the ways in which a person understands themselves AND their environment. Do you see the implications??

Now, we all are aware of how heated conversations of this nature can be. [For the record, this particular conversation remained civil.] Nevertheless, as the discussion took shape, the typical questions began to surface in my own mental space.

Why is it the case that religious conversations engender so much emotion which can lead to anger, angst, dispute, mis-communication, non-communication, and in many cases, war?
Why is it that religion and spiritualty, which are constitutionally filled with Love, when discussed in the "public sphere" [outside of our own sanctuaries, mosques, synagogues, etc.] can spark so much Hate?
If there is ONE God, then why should it matter if I choose to communicate with Him through Jesus Christ and my neighbor chooses to communicate to Him through Muhammad?

During my time in Korea, I've learned more about Buddism, Confucianism, the I-Ching, and other Eastern philosphies; and as a result, can't make direct comparisions to Christianity or Islam. What does that say about the relationship between Christianity and Islam?

...and of course, the more we explore, the more questions we will have. So, I will offer my 3-tier position on the issue as follows:

(1.) I do not believe that Faith and Intellect must be Divorced. I don't it's reasonable, or appropriate, to expect people to refrain from thinking and asking questions when it comes to issues of Religion.
(2.) It is my belief that Religion and Spirtuality is best practiced with a strong concentration on the Individual/Intrapersonal understanding FIRST. In fact, spirtuality and belief systems are LARGELY individual. If we have a secure understanding of what God means to us PERSONALLY, then we are able to interact with others in ways consistent with our understanding of God. (I actually came to this understanding through my work at a Jesuit institution; St. Ignaciaus de Loyola.)
(3.) People will continue see God in different ways. History has shown us there has been little corporations between Religions. But, borrowing from our President, if we choose to focus on what we AGREED on versus what we DISAGREE on, then we may at least be able to move the conversation forward. On on the subject of Religion, that should be easy to do. LOVE is a central theme of many religions.

The PATHOS of the church is what I have appreciated most about the church over the years. In my reading of the Bible, I appreciate the narratives of the Kings....Solomon, David, and the story of Samson. I appreciate the story King of Kings; Jesus Christ. I appreciate these narratives and parables because they FIRST and FOREMOST have no lesson at the end which says something is RIGHT or WRONG. ---and it amazes me that this is exactly the FIRST thing a "church person" wants to tell you. HOW to act, believe, or think. The Bible is not written that way. These are stories of Men (and women). Just like you and me. Fallen, fallable people, who in living fallen fallable lives, looked to God for support. Sometimes they succeded...sometimes the failed. But, in the process of living, they looked to God for wisdom and guidance. Their successes and/or failures are written for us to gain wisdom and a sense of the world. When I read the Bible I read LOVE. I read a book of Bold action, unpopular stances, unorthodox behavior based on principle. Themes such as power, falling victim to lust and abuse, deceit, trechary, Love, fear, hypocrisy, redemption....they are all available to read. So I read. I will be open to reading the themes of other religious texts. I will use my spirit of discernment, and I will continue to live the best life I can.

This post is written with no adherence to organization. It is more a collection of thoughts. It is random. But, it is here for you anyway.

Here's what I haven't done after reading the Bible. I have never finished reading the Bible, and felt the need to go run and tell somebody what to do or how to live. It's never happened. I actually don't see how "church folk" have made that leap. When I read the Bible, it is always so humbling an experience.

The church, as an institution, is not above critique. Martin Luther King, Jr. critiqued. Malcolm X critiqued his. Jesus Christ critiqued the church. (The Pharisees, "church folk," were constantly challenging Christ.) All of this is written.

Ghandi was a Hindu. Malcolm X was a muslim. Am I to believe, despite the good these men did for their people and world, they are not in heaven, because they didn't except Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour? And in Ghandi's instance, his philosophy of non-violence helped an entire society of African-American Christians find strength to fight their battle for freedom; is Ghandi in Hell because he was a Hindu? Is Martin King a BAD Christian for using the philosophy of a Hindu to liberate his people? If so, is he banished to Hell for it?

Be Great and leave an impact. Those who actually Live Strong say the best Prayers.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Care for a Spot of Tea?

America must learn to operate in TRUTH. For only It, shall set us free.

The focus for this piece is solely dedicated to uncovering the HYPOCRISY of this contemporary "Tea Party" movement.


In order to understand the HYPOCRISY of this contemporary "Tea Party" movement, all one must do is simply invest a bit of time reviewing American history. The original Boston Tea Party was, of course, one of the critical social protests which led to the American revolution and eventually the founding of our great republic. Like most conflicts, both historical and contemporary, MONEY was at the center of the debate between the American colonies and the ruling British government.

In Asia, tea has been appreciated for its taste and medicinal qualities for ages. As a matter of fact, I've recently been informed by a Korean colleague of mine, that if physical weight and availability are accounted for, GOOD tea possesses more monetary value than gold. Currently, in China, GOOD tea is slightly more expensive than gold...and a bit more difficult to attain. In any regard, Europeans developed an intense taste for tea in the 17th century, and with this rise in demand for the beverage, the English Parliament, gave the East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea from India (Wiki, 2010). By English LAW, it was illegal to import Indian tea directly to the colonies. Instead, the tea was routed through England. So, of course, taxes were levied, transporation costs were affixed, and any number of "other" charges were also applied, and then the product was sent to the American colonies for consumption. By the time European hegemony received its share of initial profit on the European market, and then applied all markups on the "American" tea, a lot of MONEY was being made in Europe.

"Americans," justifiably so, thought this situation was unfair. It was a direct affront to the freedoms and liberties of the "English subjects" that occupied the colonies. In fact, for much of the late 1700s, American colonists embraced the BLACK MARKET, and even smuggled Dutch tea as a means to circumvent this abusive tea policy imposed by the British government (Wiki, 2010). Colonists defended their protests and participation in the BLACK MARKET by suggesting they were being unfairly and egregiously taxed by the British government. In addition, they received NO representation in British Parliament. Hence the term, "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!" (Which is STILL an issue in modern-day Washington, DC, which happens to be heavily populated by African-Americans, but I'll avoid that tangent for the time being.)

Due to this abusive situation, some brave colonists, like Samuel Adams and approximately 125 others, dressed up as Native Americans, and ransacked the Darmouth destroying all 342 chests of tea (Alexander, 2002). ---and as simple as that, America has the Boston Tea Party. (I am dedicated to arguing ONE point in this piece, so I will again avoid a tangent, and leave readers to speculate why disguising themselves as Native Americans was a necessary tactic.)


Now, if a group of Americans, concerned about the general progression of the country, are going to band together under the moniker of the "Tea Party," it would seem that consistency with the original movment would be a prerequiste. As stated above, we are able to understand the political and economic constraints at the time of the original tea party. There are two fundamental issues present. These issues are (1.) the "unfair" pricing, distribution, and taxing of tea on the colonists by the financially insolvent (British) East India Company which generated capital from an oppressed citizenry, and (2.) a governmental system which allowed these particular corporate interests to actualize their plans by providing them with the legal means to extort "we the people."


With this understanding of the HISTORY of the Boston Tea Party, wouldn't it have seemed more plausible for these contemporary "tea parties" to have been formed during the Bush years?

Let's examine the situation:

(1.) The "unfair" pricing, distribution, and taxing of tea on the colonists by the financially insolvent (British) East India Company which generated capital from an oppressed citizenry (Knollenberg, 1975).

The unscrupulous accounting practices of AIG, Bear Sterns, and Lehman Brothers, which led them to grotesque insolvency, draws a SHARP and STRONG correlation to the fiscal state of the British East India tea company at the time of 1773. In both eras, corporate interests aimed to profit on the backs of working-class people. In both cases, these corporate interests used unfair means to do so. In the real estate market, CountryWide and all its cohorts, schemed on working-class families by offering mortgage loans at sub-prime levels, as a why to take advantage of the fictitious numbers createad by Wall Street's "credit-default options." Again, corporate interests are teaming up to make money, not from investing in the production and perpetuation of Public Good, but simply taking advantage of the Public!

Where were the "tea parties" then? Remember Enron, Texas? Where was the Texas Tea Party then? We had a PLETHORA of "East India Companies" taking advantage of "we the people!" Where was the love and reclamation for American history then?

(2.) A governmental system which allowed these particular corporate interests to actualize their plans by providing them with the legal means to extort "we the people."

Now, while Enron was squandering people's pensions, while Wall Street was inflating the Market with "phony money" through CDOs, and while corporate real estate giants were awarding loans to people at sub-prime rates to take advantage of these CDOs, the domestic economic policies of the Bush administration, characterized by serious DEREGULATION, provided the fertilizer for these greedy schemes by the super-wealthy. All this activity has led to the WORST domestic (and arguably international) economic situation since THE GREAT DEPRESSION.

In addition, George Bush and his cronies, led us into a War in Iraq under FALSE pretenses. Thousands of young American men and women gave life and limb predicated on a Lie. Back on the HomeLand, Americans were repeateadly shown color-coded "terror alert" systems. (I imagine those Americans who actually believe news is unbiased and not influenced by governmental policy were scared during these "terrorist alert" moments.) And if going to fight an unjustified War wasn't bad enough, we couldn't even WIN the War. With all of Bush's rhetoric on redemption for 9/11, Osama Bin Laden is still free. (Oh yeah, but that's the War in Afghanistan; gets confusing.) Under the Bush administration, we've spent $585 BILLION dollars, and we're still in Iraq...AND Afghanistan.

Again, I ask: Where were the Tea Parties then? Where were the Great American Patriots of today when America was being led into a War that was based on a LIE? Where was the anger? Where was the rage? Why weren't your civil liberties cause enough to take to the streets? Because he actually assumed more of a posture to Hitler, where were all the placards and signs of George Bush as Adolf Hitler? In many estimates, it would take $50 BILLION dollars to erase poverty in America. By those estimates, this is less than 10% of what we've spent in Iraq! O, Tea Partiers, what say thee?!


We, here at ghettoGEEKS, would like to invite these contemporary tea party patriots to a spot of tea. We are interested in engaging in conversation about the current state of domestic and international affairs. We are interested in learning more about the anger and rage coming from the Right. ---and after all cups have been filled with the beverage, our contribution to the conversation would go as follows:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Middle-Class, Working-Class, and/or Lower-Class, Ultra-Conservative, Radical Right-Wing, White Person:

It is MANDATORY that you let go of your collective insecurity about other people and other cultures. You are NOT God's chosen people. God belongs to us all. The world belongs to us all. God did not grant you, nor your race, special authority over other races and cultures of people. The "myth of White superiority" that you were sold by ruling White elites (hegemony) was a hoax. ---and just because you are finding that it has no merit, does not mean you have to become reckless and pick up arms to protect yourselves from over-confident Niggers and Spics. It does not mean you have to led your congregations to pray for the death of a President in the name of God. It might just mean you have to relax, reassess the situation, and begin to participate as an equal partner in a new global situation.

Steven Anderson, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Rick Perry, David Horowitz, Sean Hannity...and whoever else I forgot to mention, God never granted divine approval for capitalism. It is merely ONE way to organize society; not The Only way to do so. God certainly did not give special permission to use unscrupulous tactics to swindle wealth from the world and concentrate it in the hands of Europeans and Americans. Greed did that (or a spiritual entity more likened to the Devil). Greed also placed us in this economically and socially percarious situation that we find ourselves in now, and Greed continues to perpetuate the division within the system. World Hunger, World Poverty, Climate Change, Black Male Incarceration Rates, World Financial Collapse, Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis, Mexican and Afganistan Drug War, Iraq and Afganistan Wars, Illicit Arms Deals, Child Slavery, Sex Slavery, name the problem, and greed, money, and power is at the center. In most cases the money trail will lead you to people with large amounts of POWER.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Middle-Class, Working-Class, and/or Lower-Class, Ultra-Conservative, Radical Right-Wing, White Person:

The persons who are in control of this particular level of POWER are NOT the Niggers, Spics, Chinks, Iranians, or Afghanies you have demonized for all these years.

Tea Party "patriots," let's be TRUTHFUL. You have the LARGE TASK of demonstrating your resentment of President Obama and his policies are not based on race and are not fueled by racist attitudes. It's is a LARGE TASK those on the Right are trying to manage, but at times, it gets fumbled and clouded...even for you all. ---and I can understand why. Let me suggest something you haven't tried yet.


With an unjustified war in Iraq waged on the covert basis of empire and conquest, publicly waged on the false premise of securing the Homeland, simultaneously controlling the domestic population through color-coded terror alerts, George Bush had more in common with Adolf Hitler than Barack Obama. Where were the presidential "Adolf" signs, placards, and references then?? Nowhere except on international grounds---not in America. Why are they present now? My guess is because of basic psychological "projection." You are "projecting" your inner feelings of race and your perceived loss of power. In your your shotty attempt to justify your rage and create yourselves as victims, you have created the argument that Barack Obama is the Hitler-like tyrant. Wake up. Get over yourselves and your Whiteness. Start cooperating with the rest of the world's people.

Not all, but many of those who so vehemently oppose the President have DEEP issues with him because he is Black. The minute you stop lying about it; the minute you stop covering it up with other things like his policy on abortion or "big government;" the minute you begin a mature conversation about your inability to understand race without activating racism; will be the exact minute ALL Americans can begin to create a BETTER future.

America MUST shed the diseases of Cultural Ethnocentrism and Racism.

There is no room, nor any more time, to debate the EXISTENCE of these phenomena; there is only time to create a SOLUTION to these phenomena. Living as an expatriate in Korea for the last seven months has made me realize that, America, "on paper," is a marvelous set of ideals. All the words etched on that historic parchment, which serve as the CONSTITUTION of this country, represent nothing short of an excellence in promise, purpose, and principle. When it comes to organizing society, I would argue that America is one of the BEST ideas the WORLD has ever seen. But, the HYPOCRISY that is equally American, created by American hegemony and perpetuated by the American people, is simultaneously one of the WORST ideas the WORLD has ever seen.


Sunday, March 7, 2010


In our attempt to bridge the "gender gap," and explore sexuality in contemporary media, we have solicited assistance from the Twerk Team. This is a group of three young women, out of Atlanta, GA, who have become quite famous through posting their dance videos on YouTube.

For those who don't know, "twerking" is a particular dance style in which young ladies will move their bodies, in erotic splendor, to the rhythm of bass-intensive rap audio. Generally, the "twerkers" body movements are isolated to the "gluteus maximus" region, creating visual euphoria for witnesses. Twerking, done well, instantly captures the attention of young male onlookers; I can attest to this personally.

If memory serves me correctly, I was trying to find some UGK late last year...and that's when I found the stumbled across the Twerk Team. My introduction to them was through their video "Let Me See It." Let's just say, after that first viewing, I knew I would return.

Anyhow, their publicity seems to be consistently increasing. They seem to have an organized production team behind them; they have a number of videos posted and producing more on a regular basis; they have "imitation groups" copying their brand; and they have recently been mentioned by Ludacris on the George Lopez show. As their popularity has increased it seems they have found themselves embroiled in a battle with Karine Steffans, a.k.a. SuperHead. Steffans allegedly made an off-hand comment about them in an interview, and being keen business opportunist, they produced the following video as a response to the slight:

Now, though there is plenty to discuss within these 3-4 minutes. I would like to focus my commentary on the way in which they use SuperHead's notoriety as a sexually "loose" woman to degrade her while simultaneously using their sexuality to build a "career" platform as well.

Ms. Twerk: "Suck a dick and write a book? Bitch you scarred for life!"
"...and your little blog sucks. Suck at something you like."

This rhetoric is, of course, meant to suggest that SuperHead is less than virtuous. She is loose. She is nothing short of a prostitute. But, then, in somewhat contradictory fashion, Ms. Twerk boast of her own sexuality and ends her rap by stating:

Ms. Twerk: "Let me move my PoppaStoppa----Suck my mic!"

Though I must admit, she moves her PoppaStoppa quite well---I'm left ever so slighty confused. If SuperHead is "less than" for building a life on promiscuity and the subsequent power of her sexuality, then how is Ms. Twerk doing anything different from that? I think they answer this question later.

Lady L: "...on Media Take Out, we killin' on YouTube.
No Suckin'. No Fuckin'.--all the shit that you been through."

Betty Butt: "OK, let's see, how should I start this?
You got your career from suckin' off Mr. Marcus.
You will suck a carcass to get to Neiman Marcus."

It seems that I (and others) should understand they are validated in referring to SuperHead as a "bitch" and a "hoe" because she has repeatedly "sold" herself for actual sexual intercourse. Her behavior is unlike that of the TwerkTeam, because, alas, they just DANCE---no suckin' fuckin'. Consequently, they are of higher quality than their rival as they only "suggest" sex through dance. Here's the thing though, ladies, to all the young men traversing the internet at night, there is not much difference. We remain the same PHYSICAL distance from both the TwerkTeam and SuperHead--very far away. But, the PSYCHOLOGICAL distance, or better yet PSYCHO-SEXUAL distance, between you is very MINIMAL.

...and for all the young ladies reading this blog and watching these videos, who are pondering on the THIN LINE between DANCING sexually for money and HAVING SEX for money: IT'S A SLIPPERY SLOPE, LADIES! Just ask all the young strippers who slide down this slope every year...

What is even more disturbing is the nature of the sample they use throughout the audio track. Throughout the track you hear a little girl cussing someone out. The Twerk Team producers have sampled this girl's voice, and used these profanities and vulgarities to attack SuperHead. The following video is of the young girl used in the track:

So, here we witness a much deeper problem. This is NOT a mass media production; though unfortunately, with today's technology it is "media that has reached the masses." It is NOT a fabrication of a production studio. It is NOT an artifical media battle between some young erotic dancers [driven by money and notoriety] and a young woman [driven by money and notoriety] who led a very solacious lifestyle with countless celebrity men.

This is a Little Girl. This is a Little Girl. This is a Litte Girl---who exists in a Real World. She is learning how to cuss, intimidate, and degrade other Little Girls, who most likely, look just like her. Even more disturbing, she is learning these lessons from her caretakers. She is learning how to play a role that many people feel is all she is worth playing anyway. And let's not be mistaken, she is not as RARE as we would like to think. There are thousand Little Girl's growing up just like her. It's not new, either. This Little Girl has existed way before the Twerk Team, NWA, Snoop Doggy Dogg, YouTube, and any form of mass media motherfuckers wanna lay blame. This Little Girl has existed just as long as the Ghetto has existed--and it is going to take "we the people" to correct the problem.

It is our fault. It is not Lil' Wayne's fault. It is not 50 Cent's fault. It is not SuperHead's fault. It is not the fault of the TwerkTeam. It is OUR FAULT. Take some responsibility. Let's take care of our daughters.

The effect these images, words, and thoughts have on Children is what really matters. Adults can not afford to be negligent with the responsiblity of mananging, producing, critiquing, and articulating the differences between reality and fiction. We must come to some type of healthy consensus on what this material means and the power it has to influence the minds of our youth. Adults must understand these materials first, and then be careful to manage it accordingly. We can enjoy it as we deem fit. But, we must enjoy it responsibility. We CAN NOT afford for our daughters to actually feel as though this language, aggressive posturing, or sexuality is the true and correct way to live.

Happy Women's History Month.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Y'all Shut Up! --and Pay Attention to what "Erka-Say."

Happy Women's History Month from ghettoGEEKS!

This year we wanna listen, participate, contribute, and benefit from discussions regarding Womanism, Feminism, Femininity, Misogny, Sexism...and anything else that applies.

We will start the Month off with a contribution from a Woman that I've known MOST of my life--and ALL of her life--my BabySister, Ms. Erika Hargrove. A Queen of "reading the fine print" and asking plenty of questions, Erika and I shared much of our youth in between libraries, schools, parks, and our ImaginaryWorlds [literally]. We both seemed to cultivate a Love for Wordz and the potential Power they possess...especially through poetry. That said, enjoy Erika's latest work:

I'm in Recovery - Love Me

I'm Crazy, but ain't I beautiful?
I'm Crazy, but ain't I smart?
I'm Crazy, but ain't I all that with some fritos and chili on the side?
I know how to open wide and dip it low and bring it up slow
Don't that make my craziness bearable?
Don't that make my life shareable?
Yes or No? There's no in between.
Answer me!

I'm giving, I'm living
My heart's on my sleeve. The ground is at my knees. Why can't you love me the way I need?
The way I love you. Why can't you do what I do?
Oh. No one asked me to? Okay, then. Fine.
Now, it's your time.
Let's see how you handle this. Let's see how far we get with go-with-the-flow.
Uh huh. Didn't think so.

I'm right. You're wrong. And now I'm done.
Until tomorrow, when I miss you and wanna kiss you.
And we're back to it. Let's do it.
Wait - I'm not satisfied, but I cry on the inside.
You're happy, so I guess that's good enough.
Man, this life is tough. Tough.
I've had enough.

Finally seeing that it's not you. It's me.
I'm sick. Sick of you, but sick of me too.
Finally seeing how I need to be. Finally learning to love me.
I'm in recovery. Thank God I'm in recovery.

---Erika Hargrove
