Streets of Daejeon. At Night, the Neon Lights will blind you!
My Seoul "TourGuide" and first Korean friend, Sun-Mi Park, checkin' the Subway routes on her cell phone in Seoul Train Station. I wasn't in Korea two hours when I met her on an airport bus to Jeonju University. She leaned over asked me, "Where are you from?"
Seoul definitely has ghettoGEEKS lurkin' of them left a mark on this wall, so I had to stop and compliment it.
Korean puppets at restaurant in Seoul where we ate Bulgogi and drank Soju. The Bulgogi was GOOD...and the Soju was STRONG!
Me and Sun-Mi....chillin'.
If I've learned nothing else, shoes are a BIG deal in Asian culture; shoes for the street; shoes for the house; shoes for the bathroom; shoes for school; shoes for the washroom...etc. As far as street shoes, you'll see all types, especially on women. These were the pair Sun-Mi rocked the day we met up in Seoul... I bought some "HouseShoes" that day. Now I'm rockin' my {Chinese} Korean slippers...
One side of Seoul Station...
...the other side of Seoul Station...
Administration building of Seoul Train Station. Where you catch the KTX train (high-speed train) that can take you all over Korea.
There are a few things that are reminiscent of HOME...the Galleria in Daejeon. For all the Fashionistas back home, yes, folks do some serious shopping in this place! ...and, true to me, I am not one of 'em!
OuttaBoundz, a.k.a. Encyclopedia Brown
Yesssss!!! i love IT!!!! You know I wanted to do the same thing but it didn't quite work out. CONGRATS and ENJOY!!!
Hello Dr. Durham,
I had no clue that you were in Korea. One thang you should have cursed those muthaphukazs out! The police that is.
Its great to see that you''ve met someone that cares to show you around. Please be careful and Enjoy that tax free money!
All the best to you Ghetto Geek!
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