Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Sometimes you don't know if the work you do is making a difference---and then, you receive FEEDBACK.

---and often times, it comes from the most unlikely places. Feedback, whether in words or deeds, can serve as a huge reminder of WHY you have committed yourself to your work in the first place.

Here at ghettoGEEKS, we, like you, ponder on the impact we are making. And, like you, words of support, understanding, and criticism are valuable tools we use to measure our efforts. We are, of course, most appreciative of these messages.

But, SOMETIMES the Feedback is so STRONG; we have to stop and pause. There are some messages that remind us EXACTLY WHY we do what we do....the WAY that we do it. [You follow?] Though we usually don't post private messages, "once-a-blue moon," someone sends something so powerful that we would be remiss if we did not share it with our larger audience.

The following message was an e-mail sent to us from an acquaintance whom I met while working in South Korea; he is no longer employed in the country. We will refer to him as "J" for purposes of this particular post. In the following message, he describes his abrupt decision to leave and return home. Certain details have been altered/ omitted as to protect his privacy and refrain from causing unnecessary offense.

"J" is special because he was an UNLIKELY comrade.

Many, if not all, expatriates ["ex-pats"] go through a process of Culture Shock as they matriculate into a foreign culture. Customary beliefs, habits, and practices are questioned at a core level. That said, I just knew I wouldn't get along with "J." His look and demeanor spoke volumes. When I first met him, I thought to myself, "I'm not going to like this guy--at all." He was a tall, slender, white dude with a bald head--who seemed to always be adorned in dark/black clothes. He constantly reminded me of a Neo-Nazi reject. That was my first impression. He didn't necessarily resemble the picture below, but according to general racial/class schema, he reminded me of this type of guy:

To be honest, I always thought if we would have known each other longer, he may have told me that he participated in a Neo-Nazi organization in the past. I just always got that feeling.

But, lo and behold, we clicked---and I ended up liking the dude. I don't think it took long at all for us to get into some real, deep, socio-cultural issues. ---and these conversations were not superficial. We spoke on subjects of power, economics, politics, and oppression on a level that I am rarely able to reach when discussing these issues in inter-racial/cultural interactions. It's important to note that we didn't agree on EVERYTHING; but we could DISAGREE without being DISAGREEABLE. And though we may reach points of difference, Respect was always mutual. (On a lesser note, "J" has a good sense or humor, too--was never short on wit.)

Anyway---while I was in the U. S. of A. for vacation, "J" was in the process of permanently leaving Korea. He was mad, too.

Aside from his apparent frustration with his job situation, it was humbling to know that after reading "The Road Not Taken," he was inspired to make a decision that was in sync with his perogative, priorities, and preferences. This letter immediately let me know that the work of ghettoGEEKS is not in vain. These words and ideas have a substantial impact on our readers/followers. There are people out here that "get it;" they understand and appreciate the Philosophy. "J's" letter stands as a testament of that.

So, let this stand as a reminder that the work you do, if sincere and consistent, is impactful whether you know it or not. "J" was kind enough to share his thoughts with us...and now we share those thoughts with you.

Without futher ado, "J":

Hey E, it's me J.

I don't know when the fuck you're coming back but you might not see me again. I was going to coast along, evade drama, get my pay and pull a runner sometime in September. Nevertheless, the nasty bitch who employs me tried to get fucked up on me and I made up my mind to get the fuck out. I left my shit apartment and now I'm living swell in a fine motel.

Know what inspired me? Your blog post on when you quit your fuckin job because it was bullshit.

You comin back in the next week? If you do we gotta go hit up some bitches one last time. I'll try to get another job in Korea but I may just get blacklisted by that dumb fuckin rat-face woman. Who the fuck knows huh? Korea is one small country out of many. My options are teach overseas, do manual labour in the tar sands, or join the army again. I gotta go home and straighten out my cousin. Fuckin asshole's 16 and he's robbing houses for coke money. I gotta kick his ass well and good. Nonetheless, whatever I end up doing let's keep in contact. When we're both in the States let's hit up New York. I know some good fuckin spots in Brooklyn. Or wherever, maybe I'll check out Texas. I've only ever been to Dallas/ Ft. Worth and the girls there were kind of snooty.

Anyway, I've checked out your blog and you've got a lot of knowledge. The world is coming to a crossroads and we're all in for some big changes. We just need the right people to make sure those changes are positive and not negative. This is a fucked up world, but a few good thinkers can make a big difference. Don't ever let any cocksuckers derail you, I think you've got the right idea.

I have to leave two good women behind and it breaks my fuckin heart. Nevertheless, there's no such thing as unconditional love and I keep reminding myself that those bitches will turn into cutthroats if the circumstances permitted. I've loved a woman once and I got my nuts hurt for that.

You're one of the few intelligent people that I could relate to here in Daejeon. The other one is an Irish dude named Danny. I'm gonna go outside now and try to get some pussy. If that fails, I'm headed to a hooker tonight! I've been in a 3 week dry spell which is fucked up because I used to fuck a new woman every week here in Daejeon. This is not the same place anymore.

In the meantime, check out these songs:

If I see you again here in Daejeon, great. If not, best of luck dude.


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