Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pirates, Skullz, and Bones.....


This past week was one full of attention placed on a subject typically associated the 1700s.....Piracy! And we're not talkin' lifting music from your favorite P2P site, either. We're talkin' about REAL LIVE pirates in small speedy boats assuming control of much larger vessels loaded with millions of dollars in "1st World" goodies. President Obama gives the "OK" for the Navy's use force. Three pirates die. Captain Richard Phillips is freed. One pirate [16 years old] is one his way to the United States to face the consequences of his crime. A threatened American life was saved. President Obama passes another national security test. The right-wing still grumbles.

While having flashbacks 17th and 18th century versions of Long John Silver and Captain Hook, I couldn't help but have flashbacks that are only 46 years old. 1963. Frantz Fanon. The Wretched of the Earth. The Somali pirate situation is The Wretched of the Earth in actual form. Keeping in mind, Fanon (1963) presupposes that an oppressed population of people are consistently concentrating on the acquisition of "Bread and Land." In other words, the poor and disenfranchised are generally obsessed with survival. No surprise. The history of Somali demonstrates an extreme lack of any central power led by those peoples indigenous to region. Over the years, the Italians, British, and French have all had their hands in Somalia (Wiki, 2009). Currently, there are three major groups vying for control of the country. In short, Somalia falls within the category of the world's developing nation. (But, developing may be too strong a word.) It is UTTER disarray! As any group of people who are trying to live, survive, and enjoy the comforts of full and complete humanity, they must begin with the acquisition of "Bread and Land." To do this, they have taken advantage of their geographic location on the Horn of Africa; and started going "fishing." Highway robbery on the seas! Piracy! As Richard Pithouse (2003) explains, liberation is associated with a certain type of humanism that is gained when the oppressed rise up against hegemony (Pithouse, 2003). The Somali rise against hegemony (US, Britain, any country who uses these ship lanes) is, of course, criminal. ...and now we'll continue to follow the story. I'm sure we'll gain a lot of information surrounding the captured pirate.


And the United States no longer tortures...or do we? Well, President Obama has allowed light to be shined on years of "Bush secrets" on torture. But, Obama does not seem ready to allow for further examination, official acknowledgment, and subsequent prosecution. Obama is holdin' his foot on the brake. Now, I understand the political reasons for doing so...but...I have to side with Keith Olbermann on this one. YOU'VE GOT TO SET A PRECEDENT ON THIS ONE, BARACK! ...I mean, we should all understand and realize that violence has played an important role is world history and continues to play an important role in contemporary global society. TRUE WORD. So President Obama, please stay dedicated to the intent of bringing attention to these "Bush League" war crimes. (Cheney has been too intent of discrediting the president for it to be about nothing...let us hear him now explain why and how torture during the Bush administration.) Maybe we'll then understand more clearly why, though they were extremely dedicated to making the world safer a place, they never achieved that goal, either.


Mexico and Drugs. It's a big deal. But, the latest bit of good news in this story deals with the fact that as a result of Obama's visit, Border Patrol is NOW checking for GUNS and CASH going SOUTHBOUND in to Mexico. I wonder how Lou Dobbs feels... Do you think this might solve the problem, Lou? Please tell me how this is another way Obama is seeking to blame America for the violence... We [Americans] want the drugs...and the Mexican drug cartels want [need] the guns to protect business interests. Simple business-social problem. There is also a simple business-social solution. In fact, there may be several simple solutions....beginning with the legalization of lesser drugs [if not all drugs] and the serious/sincere regulation and enforcement of the laws subsequent this policy change. This action may lead to significant decrease on the prison/jail rosters...which why I think it hasn't been done thus far.


Anonymous said...

Capitalism in Reverse? Or rather, in the Perverse?

"For centuries the capitalists have behaved like nothing more than war criminals. Deprtations, massacres, forced labour and slavery have been the main methods of increase its wealth..." (Fanon on Violence, 1963, p. 101).

It is not a mystery why the pirates have been using these kinds of tactics to secure wealth and power. They learned from the best!

Carey Best said...

Ideals are great and all, but the guys they performed the water-boarding on were known terrorists.

Wars are never won by sticking to the rules and playing nice. Show me a war that was won by playing by all the rules and I'll shut up.

So after your trials are held and a United States Presidential Administration is tried for War Crimes, how much ability do you think Obama or any future president will have to make tough and gruesome calls at the last minute to save American lives?

The smart thing for Obama to do is to realize that the tough call hasn't come for him yet. When it does, it will be more serious than taking out kids on a life-raft. The less legislation or court rulings binding his hands at that time, the better.