Thursday, July 16, 2009

Never Ignorant -- Getting Goals Accomplished!

He's been to Europe, Africa, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and to New York....

...and in New York, he talked to African-Americans at the NAACP this evening. And in doing so, he spoke to this crowd as an African-American. He delivered relevant content that was combined with appropriate style. He connected. He connected so well listners were able to observe a genuine tenet of African-American rhetorical culture known as "call-and-response."

[Remaining cognizant of my issues with the NAACP, I am, in no way, suggesting his rapport with this audience is a litmus test for his leadership. But my focus here is not the NAACP. My focus is Barack Obama.]

I find more and more reasons to like this man.

He continuously shows mettle, resolve, intelligence, discipline, sense of self, foresight, patience, confidence, innovation, and charisma. He is one who seems to be in touch with his core VABEs (values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations); and from what I know of leadership, this awareness, in and of itself, is KEY. He is undoubtedly a role model to many; myself included.

As a rhetorician, I can appreciate how he used history and recency to create a speech that contained a sense of urgency combined with a call for action. Beautiful touch! Being the masterful orator that he is, the President even used HIMSELF as an example...and it didn't come off as egotistical; it actually reinforced the idea that he is aware of who is he, and what he represents in this space and time.

In this speech, he yet again, illustrated that he is Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished. So to all his adversaries...y'all can't phuck with this N.I.G.G.A!


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