Monday, September 1, 2008

Mr. "Focus on the Family"

James Dobson,

You, my friend, are a BITCH. Have you ever heard the addage, "If you dig one hole, you better dig two?"

Well....when you encourage a group of conservatives to pray for rain to ruin Barack Obama's DNC speech, and then Hurricane Gustav interrupts your show...then you should understand the power of that particular addage.

And now, James, your candidate, John McCain, is so flustered that he is actually trying to mimick Barack Obama's gameplan. That Palin Veep choice was made in such haste that Republicans are having a hard time faking unity and support behind this decision. He would have made out much better is he would have stayed with Romney or Pawlenty.

Why would McCain make such a choice? I'll tell you why. Because he was MAD as hell watching Barack Obama "call him out" during his speech at the DNC convention! He was desperately trying to steal media attention, but what he failed to consider was that he would have to LIVE with such a hasty decision. Reminsicent of the Iraq War, eh? The motherfuckin' Republicans are too quick to throw punches...that they don't fight effectively. Politics, and more importantly, WORLD LEADERSHIP is CHESS not CHECKERS you fiesty motherfuckers.

But, no worries... I'm not mad at ya. I thank you John McCain...because you've just lost this election. ...and I for one can not wait to embrace CHANGE.

Keep doin' what you do, Johnnie...

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