Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So, I've been in South Korea for a little over one (1) month now, and I'm currently in the process of doing a bit of writing to benefit those who will come after me. If you are reading these words, chances are...your mirror provides you with the image of a ghettoGEEK. Consequently, this post will be presented with a clarity that affords you clear UNDERSTANDING. And more importantly, you will messages that should prove BENEFICIAL during those periods of intense decision-making you are bound to face during life's amazing journey.

Far too often academics divorce themselves from emotion, and then attempt to pass along "life lessons" in nice, neat, sanitized packages. Not surprisingly, most people can't understand, much less, FEEL what this person is attempting to impart. No worries, I won't do that today because the lesson is FAR TOO important. So as simply as I can put it: Fuck Fear.

Today, I am not the writer. My Familee is taking that role. Today, I am the subject. I will, instead, be an example of a person who was grappling with a bout of Fear on my fourth day of being in South Korea. In Intercultural Communication circles, we refer to this particular phenomenon as the 2nd stage of Culture Shock; The Crisis Stage. On this particular day, I was experiencing the Crisis Stage to the fullest!

I was without Skype [still don't have it] and was inadvertently relegated to purchasing/using calling cards at public telephone booths. Keeping in mind I had only been in Korea four(4) days, and my Hanguk was more "chokum" than it is now, (1.)purchasing calling cards and (2.) using telephones without the benefit of speaking the native tongue can be quite a chore indeed. Unaware of what a PC Bang was at the time, I walked for one hour, passing several PC Bangs, with a gentle old soul who guided me to the Yoosung Hotel Business center...where I used the internet and public phones.

There I sent an e-mail, full of fear and anxiety, to my Familee. And these were the responses I received:


Good Korean Morning Son,

Only God knows your real with Him. Please believe me...He is holding you and me at this very minute.
As much as you want to come home...Yes, I want you to be home at this very minute...But God has a plan for you.
Relax and trust Him that you are where you are suppose to be...It is called homesickiness, and all people experience it.
You are no different, because you are out of your comfort you really have to Trust that God will take care of you, and He will, just feel assured that these stressful feelings will pass.

Think about and ask for a translator, if not, do what you feel is necessary and what God will have you do...there are no bicycles that will ride across turning back from your responsibility to be there for one year.
How was your medical exam?

Remember the man here that walks all the time? Now you know why he walks and thinks. Join a gym, get a hobby, stay with your work group, go shopping, site-seeing, visit the museums and libraries.

Love You More Each Day!

Relax in your apartment and just focus on your immediate surroudnings and establish a regular routine: Get to know where you live, what to eat, where to shop, and the university environment and physical fitness...That's enough for the first few weeks.

God Bless You,
Love Mama


You decided to do this, so put best foot forward.

It will get easier each day as you get more familiar with your surroundings and your routine. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do something different as along as you keep in mind that it will be different. And when things are different, there is going to be a period of adjustment. When you get your phone I will keep you updated on everything.

Mimi said to tell you "hello" and you know I send my love.

Go Hard


I managed to get my sister on the PayPhone, and through all the conversation we shared, I just remember:
(1.) her essentially telling me to calm down and stop being a "Beeoch"
(2.) and that if I showed up at the airport she was NOT COMING TO PICK ME UP! Truly, it was one of the best phone conversations I've ever had.

She later sent an e-mail that simply said:

I love you too, dear. Prioritize and stay encouraged. This, you can do.

What is the common thread in these three messages? Fuck Fear, Mayne.... I think T.I. is absolutely right when he raps, "If your heart filled with Faith, then you can't fear!" There is no room for fear, doubt, indecision, and insecurity when it is time to GET THE JOB DONE! No, you are not less of a person when fear and anxiety stop to visit. But, you become a STRONGER person when you show them the exit. With new challenges, come new fears...those who are "down" for challenge are bound to get scared from time to time. It's a natural process. But, always find the capacity to find your Faith, clear your mind, focus on your goals, and get back to the task at hand. You'll be all the better for it.

Those that understand the essence of these ghettoGEEKS, will understand why the rhetorical figure below is so relevant and consistent with our mission. Flaws and all, Tupac Shakur provided a spark to the young minds behind this ghettoGEEK mission before ghettoGEEKS was an official concept. And though this footage is 14-years old, we would like you to appreciate the relevance, resillience, and brilliance of his commentary. Stay true to your mission. Overcome fear and anxiety. Live Strong.



hargrovehottie said...

The best post ever. I, and the rest of the world, am blessed to have you.


Mioshi said...

WOW! I had tears in my eyes reading this, E! You are SO right and so blessed to be surrounded with love even oceans away!!